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How to create a Tv Show?

9 décembre 2008


suited = adapté à, fait pour...
aim = but, objectif
unlikely = improbable
provide = procurer
bill = addition, note (argent)
attend = assister à
hire = employer
fulfilling = épanouissant
prizes = gains, prix
failure = échec
poll = sondage
according to = selon

8 décembre 2008

How to create a tv show (5)

Step 5.

Your project has been accepted! It's going to be produced!
Now what you need to do is to begin to cast people : you must find who will be your contestants, your judges, and you have to discuss about the frequency of the show.
And finally, if you want your show to be known , you have to make advertisement: make a trailer, to arise people's curiosity, and to be sure that they are going to watch, at least, the pilote of your show!

pilote: the first episode of a tv show or a series
trailer: a trailer is an advertisement, under the form of a short video, to promote a movie or a tv show.

8 décembre 2008

How to create a tv show (4)

Step 4.
Well, you have now a great concept, a great treatment, you have met a producer...
Now it's time to really convince the producer that you tv show is good enough to be produced.
For this, you need to get additional material.
When you present your show, you may be asked to provide* a demo tape, or a portfolio.
A demo tape is a tape that shows a excerpt of your tv show, it gives an idea of what it is going to look like.
A portfolio is a copybook which contains many sheets of paper to illustrate your project.
You also need to tell the producer how much money the show is going to need.
It's better if you have already a financial source. Actually, it's unlikely* that a production company pays your bill* entirely.

Go to step 5.

8 décembre 2008

How to create a tv show (3)

Step 3.
You have written your treatment. Good. So now, you need to meet people, and to convince them that your idea is wonderful. Actually, to produce a tv show, you need a producer. And you must meet a producer, and convince him to put mone in your project!
How do you meet a producer?
Well, you have to go to as many parties as possible and contact many people. It may be difficult, and surely, you will have to insist, but don't be discouraged!

Go to step 4.

8 décembre 2008

How to create a tv show (2)

Step 2.
Ok, you have decided what your tv show should look like. Now, it's time to be organized.
You need to write a treatment.
What is a treatment?
A treatment is a brief synopsis of your idea, it explains how it is suited* to television. It is not a script!
The treatment sums up the principal ideas of yout show concept: the rules, the prizes, the judges, the contestants, what is the interest of the show...

Go to step 3.

8 décembre 2008

How to create a tv show (1)

Step 1
Creating a tv show is not an easy thing.
People need a lot of things to build a tv show.
The first thing is, of course, to get an idea or concept.

Go to Step 2.

8 décembre 2008

Important people (IV)

Another important person is the tv presenter.

He is also a very important person for the show.
This person can be a man or a woman.
Generally, the tv presenter is rather beautiful, handsome, good looking. HE-SHe can speak very well. It is important to chose a sympathetic person to present the show.Actually, if viewers don't like this person, they have no pleasure in watching the show and they... don't watch it. And the show is a failure*

There is not one way to become a tv presenter but generally, tv presenters are former* journalists.
You can also become a tv presenter by going to castings!

Very often, tv presenters are very famous, they can be more known than the contestants! It is because they are not eliminated, they remain durign the whole* show, and people can find them in other tv shows. So a tv presenter doesn't present only one tv show, but he can be seen everywhere on tv; this is why tv presenters are very famous!


8 décembre 2008

Important people (III)

Contestants are people who participate in a tv show.
Normally there are several contestants at the beginning and in the end, only one contestant remains.

To choose contestants, producers organize castings: many people present themselves, and producers choose people who are going to be in the show.

They choose them according* to several criteria : their qualities, sometimes, their physical appearance, their charisma, their capacity to be fun...

Generally, contestants want to participate because they want to win the show. The prize is often money. And sometimes, some contestants participate because they just want to be on tv, they want to be known, they want to be famous.

The problem is that when the show is over, they are forgotten. Many of them disappear, and they are not famous anymore. To be a contestant can sometimes leads to many disillusions.

There are many reasons why people should want to be on a tv show.What about you? Would you like to be a contestant ?


8 décembre 2008

Important people (II)

A tv show is made to be watched. Viewers are people who watch tv. They have a very important role. If they don't watch the show, the show may be erased and cancelled.

It is very difficult to predict if viewers are going to watch a show or not.

To know about viewers' tastes, producers often make polls* : it allows producers to know a little about viewers' desires. Very often, it is the same thing: viewers want to see something new, something interesting, something funny, with handsome people and great prizes (money, for instance).


4 décembre 2008

Important people (I)

A very important person is the television producer.

He is the one who controls all aspects of production. He participates in brainstorming sessions to find new ideas, he can attend castings, he decides who he hires to shoot supervision... It is often the producer who is responsible for the show's quality and survivability.

He has a very exciting job, with a lot of responsibilities, but it is also very tiring.

He needs, of course, a lot of money to be able to produce his emission.

He can find money with diverse sponsors and sometimes, rich benefactors. THere are also big societies who can give money: in exchange, the society can show a special product (shoes, bags, clothes...) in the tv show.

The job is very exciting and alos, very competitive. You must show that you are determined.

A tv producer is in contact with a lot  of people. He works with lawyers, writers, camera operators... he coordinates everyone.

The ultimate aim* of a tv producer is to make a great audience, to have good audience ratings. He wants people to watch his show, because he wants his show to be successful!

If his show is successful, then he will be recognized and become famous in the tv world!

It's not easy to be a tv producer because you have to organize many things, work a lot, be imaginative, ...

but it's really fulfilling* !


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